Monday, March 2, 2009

just a few word

Sorry there will not be any pictures yet I still need a lot of help but heres a little updataroo. So I am now 25 weeks YAY!!! She is moving like crazy but only for me whenever anyone touches my stomach she stops even if I dont say a word ( Hope she doesn't come out this subborn ) I made the comment to the kids sorry she only moves when Im around and Jason said its because Im always around her lol I dont know if it was being so tired or what but I laughed so hard at his little comment. No name yet she will probably go home nameless I just dont like any girl names what is my problem!!
Jason's grandpa died on febuary 20 so that was pretty stressful I feel bad for him he doesn't handle death well but the funeral was nice and im glad he got to say goodbye. On that note we were at the funeral and can I just say that I have no right to complain about my kids they were so well behaved and listened so good!! I know it is so hard to sit still and fight the urge to play but they did as they were asked and I forget how good they are until we go around complete hellins and I just think to myself wow how did i get so lucky :)


viewmont classmates said...
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Anonymous said...

I had no idea you were having a girl!!!! That is so awesome! You will have to post some pics of you pregnant!

Jer + Lu said...

What sweet kids. I wish I could say the same about mine! jk. What is this about not having a name for your little sweetheart?? You can one of mine since a daughter doesn't seem to be in my future...Penelope, Peyton, Piper... take your pick!

my kids

my kids
they are funny